About us
Welcome –Help in Cancer Medicine –GoPat!
For patients and relatives, doctors and associationsin the healthcare sector
A diagnosis has not yet been established; Investigationsshould be carried out; the diagnosis has been established and it should be treated. Is all the necessary information available; thetreatment no longer responds –what now?
There is a lot of information on the Internet about the different situations, from many sides. However, when those affected conductthe conversation, serious factors are addedthat decide whether the discussion partners–doctor and patient –have understood each otherand agree. These include anxiety, time pressure, the current situation of theinterlocutors and much more.
Important questions at the right time to prepare and then discuss should help both sides to have discussed essentialsin the short time ofa conversation.
It is also important to havethesequestionsavailable in several languages. In Germany there are many patients who understandthe questions better in their ownmother tongue. However, the questions havealready been downloadedin many countries.
The questionnaire on the tumor disease mustfocuson important things and enable a good conversation. The questions are developed together with those affected, the relativesand experts in the field to ensure that complicated facts are also understandablefrom the patient side and are important to the doctorto answer.
Providing information about the second opinion centers and study participation are also concerns that ariseduring the course of the disease, where help is offered by GoPat. Please also ask your health insurance company, or search the Internet. We try to help where there is still a need for information.
GoPat is not meant to recommend treatments, but to provide help to patients and loved ones to receive good treatment.
The fees are nominal fees. Only really interested readers should download the informationor make a phone call. We work without advertising, except on our own behalf. This enables important neutralityas well as optimal, targeted results for the searchers. We hope you find this as important as we do!
The expenses are tobe covered by donations, supportfrom associations and income from telephone calls. Proceeds from the shop serve as an alternative to a donation.
Please recommend us! We can also be reached via social media. We are grateful for suggestions.
Dr. med Clemens Stoffregen and your GoPat-Team