Important questions at the right time
Here are important questions to discuss with your doctor. The questions are arranged according to the different stages of a tumor disease. You can download and print the questions in the form of documents for the individual stages or for all stages together. Take notes to better retain the information.
We charge a nominal fee for the PDF with the questions in the amount of 1 euro per PDF or 2 euros for the PDF with all questions. Just click on the PDF and you will be redirected to purchase.
What do I ask my doctor if…
- There is an unclear result prior to the biopsy?
- There is a verified initial diagnosis for a melanoma?
- I have been diagnosed with a melanoma in stage 0?
- I have been diagnosed with a melanoma in stage I?
- I have been diagnosed with a melanoma in stage II?
- I have been diagnosed with a melanoma in stage III?
- I have been diagnosed with a melanoma in stage IV?
I don’t know yet which stage applies in my case…